Chill Beverage Bottles Quickly

wet paper towel in the freezer

For a quick hack to chill your beverage bottles wrap a wet paper towel around a room temperature bottle. Place it in the freezer and 15 minutes later you will have a cold beverage. Just don’t forget it in the freezer!

Rating: 4 (from 4 votes)

Insert Trash Bags the Correct Way

trash can liner

Do you wrestle with your trash bags and trash can liners when replacing them? Next time you pull a fresh bag off the roll consider inserting the bag or liner like a pro. Simply slide the open end of the bag over the can as if you were putting on a hat. Then gently push the bag or liner down into the can. The bag will naturally unfurl as you place trash inside.

Rating: 2 (from 6 votes)

DIY Tea and Beverage Drawer Organizer

tea draw organizer

Drawer organizers can get expensive especially when the organizers are specific such as coffee pod organizers or tea organizers. For an inexpensive version use a utensil drawer organizer and turn it sideways. You will have ample space for tea bags, bottle openers, and sweeteners. Take your organizing to the next level by using a bamboo organizer instead of metal or plastic.

Rating: 7 (from 7 votes)

Improve Internet Searches with a Simple Trick

internet search hack

Internet searches can often result in pages upon pages of websites that aren’t exactly what you are looking for. To improve your search and condense the amount of content retrieved simply place a dash or minus sign immediately before the word that you would like to exclude from your search. If you are searching for a dessert recipe but don’t want recipes with lemons included, type “dessert recipes -lemon” in the search field.

Rating: 4 (from 4 votes)

Roll Your Duvet and Insert for Quick Assembly

duvet roll

The thought of assembling a duvet can be daunting. Try this hack for a quicker method. Lay the duvet inside out with the opening at the foot of the bed. Spread the comforter or insert overtop of the duvet so that the edges line up. Next, roll up the duvet and comforter starting at the head of the bed and rolling it into one long roll at the foot of the bed. Slide your hand into the opening of the duvet and flip it over one end of the roll so that the right side of the duvet is in view. Do the same on the other side and in the middle. Now simply unroll the duvet and comforter back up to the head of the bed.

Rating: 1 (from 1 votes)

Create Fuller Pillows With Oversized Inserts

oversize pillow insert

If you want to achieve that full, overstuffed look when it comes to your pillows try using a pillow insert one size larger than the pillow case.

Rating: 4 (from 4 votes)