Recycled Water Bottle Plastic Earrings

Recycled Water Bottle Plastic Earrings

I found these recycled water bottle plastic earrings at Happy Family Art. It’s hard to believe are made from recycled water bottles! All you need to create the colorful dangles is an empty water bottle, scissors, a candle and magic markers! Follow the link to the Happy Family Art tutorial for step by step instructions.

Rating: 2 (from 8 votes)

Remove Rust Naturally with Lemon and Baking Soda

Remove Rust Naturally with Lemon and Baking Soda

It really works! Remove rust naturally with lemon and baking soda from just about anything. Mix lemon juice and baking soda together, stir until you have a foamy paste (add lemon juice or baking soda as needed for proper consistency). Use a paint brush to spread paste on rust, then let it sit for a few minutes, or longer. Finally wipe away paste with paper towel or a cloth rag. Repeat as many times as necessary to remove all rust.

Rating: 9 (from 9 votes)

DIY Phone Charging Station

diy free phone charging station

This DIY phone charging station is made out of a 27.3 oz water bottle, so it’s essentially free! All you need is a water bottle, scissors, marker and measuring tape or ruler. Measure approximately 3″ or more from bottom of bottle `(my phone is approximately 3″ x 5″, if yours is larger you should size accordingly and possibly use a larger bottle). At that measurement draw a half-circle around bottle. At the end of each side of that line draw a straight line approximately 4″ toward top of bottle, then join the lines together at the top. Cut along the marker lines. Next, using your plug as a guide, outline the plug in the center of the back towards the top (make sure your phone fits once you hang it on the plug). Finally paint your charging station as you like, or don’t, it’s entirely up to you!

Rating: 4 (from 6 votes)

How to Grow a Potato Tower

how to grow a potato tower

Learn how to grow a potato tower, it’s a great garden space saver! Instead of growing them in horizontal rows, grow potatoes vertically. It is possible to grow 100 lbs of taters in a 4×4 area of your garden. For the perimeter you will need chicken wire or big-holed wire (tires or wooden boards also work), as well as dirt, hay and seed potatoes.

Build a circular or square fence in the shape you would like your tower, fill the first row with hay, then create a hole or divot in the center of the hay, fill with dirt, approximately 6″, then seed potatoes, 6″ of dirt, then drench tower with water. Potatoes love water! Plant your potatoes around the edges of your tower four to six inches apart. You can also plant 1-3 in the center as long your spacing is consistent. Allow the first layer to sprout leaves, do not build your tower all at once. Once you see the sprouted leaves repeat the layers, allow to sprout, repeat layers. I suggest up to four layers of potatoes, but wait until previous layer sprouts. Once the leaves turn brown and fall off, wait a week then harvest.

Rating: 2 (from 6 votes)

Save Money and Water Using Low Flow Shower Head

save money on utility bills

The 2nd largest energy expense in the average households is water heating. Save money and water using a low flow shower head. If you have an old shower head, you might use up to 10 gallons of water per minute (GPM)! Not only is it a waste of water, it is also a waste of electricity since you have to heat that water too! Today’s low flow shower heads use as little as 1.25 GPM’s. Be sure to replace any pre-1992 shower heads which were non-regulated and therefore use more than the modern 2.5 or less GPM faucets. There are many excellent faucets on the market that use even less than regulation, yet feel the same and get you just as clean. If you live in a high humidity environment you should look for laminar flow shower heads because they don’t produce as much steam as an aerating one.

Rating: 3 (from 3 votes)

DIY Fruit Fly Trap

diy pest control

When they appear, fruit flies are pesky little creatures and getting rid of them can be challenging. This DIY fruit fly trap has been successfully tested and approved. You will need a funnel, cup or jar, apple juice or apple cider vinegar and tape to hold funnel in place. I like the traps made from recycled bottles, such as the one in the picture. You can, however make your own funnel out of paper and use a cup of your choosing (I recommend a disposable cup). Just pour one inch of the apple cider vinegar into your cup, a couple drops of dish shop, then place your funnel inside as shown, tape to secure. The flies will be attracted to the fermented apple cider and fly in the funnel, then sink (due to the soap).

Rating: 9 (from 9 votes)