Make a Pool Noodle Paint Brush Holder

Make a Pool Noodle Paint Brush Holder

Make a pool noodle paint brush holder in order to secure rollers and brushes when painting. Painting can be a messy business, if you are not careful. In order to cut down on unruly paint splatter, cut a pool noodle to the size of your paint tray. Then use scissors to cut several slits halfway through the upside of pool noodle.

Rating: 5 (from 11 votes)

Use Duct Tape With Dustpan to Sweep Up Crumbs

Use Duct Tape with Dustpan to Sweep Crumbs

Use duct tape with dustpan to sweep up crumbs. If you’re OCD, then this is the perfect cleaning tip for you! Tape the edge of your dustpan to the floor in order to create a bridge. This ensures there’s no crack for unruly crumbs to slip through. Make sure you don’t do this with any painted or varnished surfaces as the paint can pull up your flooring finish.

Rating: 9 (from 13 votes)

Add Conditioner to the Rinse Cycle to Soften Wool Garments

Soften Wool by Adding Conditioner to the Rinse Cycle

Take the scratch out of your wool sweaters! Add conditioner to the rinse cycle to soften wool garments -it really works! Simply add approximately two ounces of conditioner (we used a complimentary hotel conditioner bottle) during your washers rinse cycle. Always wash your wools in cold water. The hardest part of this hack is paying attention so as not to miss the rinse cycle!

Rating: 11 (from 11 votes)

Make a Table Out of a Vintage Suitcase

make a table out of a vintage suitcase

This stylish table is not just a conversation piece, it also doubles as hidden storage. There are many different tutorials and techniques online for this project. Basically, to make a table out of a vintage suitcase you will need a suitcase, legs (I bought these from Home Depot), leg mounts, pre measured and cut wood insert, glue, drill and screws. Glue the wood insert to inside bottom of suitcase, attach leg mounts to bottom using drill, then screw in the legs. That is basically it. If you are feeling frisky you can also upholster the inside. I painted the legs with bright blue spray paint to make the piece pop. Have fun with it!

Rating: 4 (from 8 votes)

Hold Nail with Clothes Pin, Hair Pin or Comb to Prevent Smashing Fingers

Hold Nail with Clothes Pin, Hair Pin or Comb to Prevent Smashing Fingers

If I had a nickle for every time I missed the nail whilst hammering, I’d be rich! Keep your precious fingers out of the line of fire by using an aid to hold nails in place. Personally, I prefer the clothes pin holder, however a bobby pin or comb works just as well! All you need to do is hold nail with clothes pin, hair pin or comb to prevent smashing fingers then pound nail into place with hammer.

Rating: 16 (from 16 votes)

Use Pool Noodles as Boot Inserts

Use Pool Noodles as Boot Inserts

This is a great organizational hack! Use pool noodles as boot inserts to keep them upright. This hack saves space as well as boots. Slip a pool noodle inside desired boots, measure to top of boot, cut with scissors and then do the same for the other.

Rating: 10 (from 10 votes)