DIY Fruit Fly Trap

diy pest control

When they appear, fruit flies are pesky little creatures and getting rid of them can be challenging. This DIY fruit fly trap has been successfully tested and approved. You will need a funnel, cup or jar, apple juice or apple cider vinegar and tape to hold funnel in place. I like the traps made from recycled bottles, such as the one in the picture. You can, however make your own funnel out of paper and use a cup of your choosing (I recommend a disposable cup). Just pour one inch of the apple cider vinegar into your cup, a couple drops of dish shop, then place your funnel inside as shown, tape to secure. The flies will be attracted to the fermented apple cider and fly in the funnel, then sink (due to the soap).

Rating: 9 (from 9 votes)

Make a Heart Shaped Egg

In this video we learn just how easy it is to make a heart shaped egg. All you need is a hard boiled egg, small rectangular piece of cardboard (as shown) folded in half, a chopstick and two elastic bands. Follow Make Sushi’s simple instructions and you will have your loved one eating out of your hands.

Rating: 4 (from 6 votes)

Tuna Can Buddy Burner DIY How To

We found this hack on the Crazy Russian Hacker YouTube channel where “safety is number one priority.” To make this tuna can buddy burner all you need is an aluminum can (doesn’t have to be tuna), cardboard and candle wax. This is a great hack for camping or when the power goes out! Cut a strip of cardboard the size of your can, roll it up and melt wax over it. When it is time to use your buddy burner, just light it using a match or candle lighter. This burner will last for hours!

Rating: 8 (from 10 votes)

Easy Potato Peeling Hack

Peeling potatoes can be quick and simple and Dave Hax shows us how in this short step-by-step YouTube video. All you need is a knife, potatoes and pot for boiling. Clean potatoes before you boil them. Then follow the simple instructions in this Dave Hax YouTube video. Medium sized potatoes should take 15 to 30 minutes to cook, depending on your elevation. For roasted potatoes, chips or french fries, Dave suggests parboiling instead of boiling, then peel as instructed in video. Finally, finish preparing potatoes according to your recipe.

Rating: 10 (from 12 votes)

Plastic Bottle Top Funnel Hack

In this Chowhound YouTube video, Jill Santopietro shows us an easy way to make a funnel. Plastic bottles come in many different sizes with different size openings. Choose one that will work for the type of transfer you want to make, i.e. 32 oz Gatorade bottles work great for transferring grains like flour or oatmeal, whereas a 12 oz. water bottle top works great for liquids such as juice, wine or water. I absolutely love this plastic bottle top funnel hack!

Rating: 2 (from 6 votes)

Mash Avocado Onto A Sandwich for a Healthy Mayo Alternative

Mayo isn’t for everyone, particularly if you’re counting calories and/or health conscious. It turns out mashing a little avocado into your sandwich is an ideal (and tasty) mayo alternative, with no culinary skills required!

Rating: 3 (from 3 votes)