Insert Trash Bags the Correct Way

trash can liner

Do you wrestle with your trash bags and trash can liners when replacing them? Next time you pull a fresh bag off the roll consider inserting the bag or liner like a pro. Simply slide the open end of the bag over the can as if you were putting on a hat. Then gently push the bag or liner down into the can. The bag will naturally unfurl as you place trash inside.

Rating: 2 (from 6 votes)

Start Seeds in a Damp Sponge

sponge seed starter

Cut slits into a damp sponge to start your spring seeds. When the sponge gets dry gently spray the sponge with more water to moisten.

Rating: 2 (from 2 votes)

Mist Wrinkled Linen When Ironing

mist wrinkled linen

Wrinkles in linen are inevitable. To ensure you get those wrinkles out when ironing use the spray or mist feature on your iron. If you don’t have that feature on your iron use a spray bottle and mist the fabric before ironing. The water will expand the fibers and steam out the wrinkles when ironing.

Rating: 2 (from 2 votes)

Speed Square Saw Guide for Dimensional Lumber Cuts

Rating: 1 (from 5 votes)

Built in Banana Cutting Board

Leave one section of banana peel on to slice bananas without a cutting board.

Rating: 1 (from 3 votes)

Cut Drywall Without a T-Square and Like a Pro

cut drywall

Cut drywall in one easy movement by using your tape measure, razor knife and fingers as a guide. Score the face of the drywall with the blade held tight against the tip of the tape. Use your other hand to guide the tape along the top of the drywall piece at the desired length. Keep the motion fluid and with the tape perpendicular to the edge of the drywall.

Rating: 1 (from 5 votes)