Protect Floors and Carpets During Remodels

The only thing worse than suffering through a remodeling project is realizing more of your house got damaged in the process. Which then necessitates more remodeling. It’s a vicious circle! This hack goes beyond just using Tyvek or plastic to protect your floors. It also suggests cutting slots in the protector and taping it down with tape (notably on stairs). Keep in mind Tyvek and plastic can be slippery, but the taped-down slots help prevent trip hazards. More details and photos via the link.

Rating: 3 (from 3 votes)

How to Eat a Chicken Wing Like a Boss

Did you know there’s actually a technique to eating a chicken wing? Yup, there is! Rather than nibble your way around that wing’s bones and leaving half the meat behind, check out this video that walks you through deboning a chicken wing for a delicious boneless chicken treat!

Rating: 3 (from 7 votes)

Leverage a Hammer and Screw to Twist Out Wood Warping

Twisted and warped wood can be a pain to untwist and seat correctly in place. Use a partially driven screw along with your hammer to help pull the twist out of any joist, stud or truss.

Rating: 3 (from 3 votes)

Why You Should Microwave Your Lemons

microwaving lemons

Getting juice out of citrus can be hard labor. That’s especially true if you’re juicing dozens of lemons manually for some nice, refreshing lemonade. It turns out that you can coax more juice out of your lemons by nuking them. Try microwaving about a half dozen lemons for around 20 seconds to optimize your lemon juicing efforts!

Rating: 3 (from 9 votes)

Candle or Soap Zipper Lube

Rub a candle or soap on a stuck zipper to restore operation.

Rating: 3 (from 3 votes)

Quick Disposable Paint Stirring Chopsticks

Use takeout chopsticks to stir small cans of paint.

Rating: 3 (from 3 votes)