Cut off a small corner of a Ziploc baggie to use as a pastry bag for frosting in a pinch.
Avoiding Splinters with a Thimble
Using your finger to trace a line down the length of plywood or other stock is a fast way to make a simple cut. Avoiding splinters is easy. To prevent splinters from getting into the tip of your finger, protect it using a metal sewing thimble.
Drill Holes at the Perfect Angle
Have you ever had to drill a hole at a specific angle? Doing so doesn’t need to involve sketchy guesswork or plotting the angle of the sun! Use a speed square’s references to drill at the perfect angle for your project.
Hide Ugly Electronics With Art
This works great for alarm control panels and other electronics that don’t meet your aesthetic sensibilities. If you plan to hide a thermostat this way, make sure air can still freely get to it, or consider installing a remote temperature sensor. Find a canvas you like, 2-4 narrow hinges (depending on size/weight of the art) and mount the hinges to the wall as desired. A small level is key for this project. If you’re hanging on drywall, we’d recommend trying to mount the hinges to a stud if layout allows. For full details on this project, please visit the link above.
Open Wine Bottles With a Screw & Pliers
Carefully drive a screw around 2/3 of the way into the cork (don’t make the screw bigger than a corkscrew or you can shatter the bottle). Grab the screw head firmly with a pair of pliers and pull!
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