Steam Clean Your Microwave

steam clean your microwave

Microwaves get dirty quickly. A simple hack for loosening all of the bits of food and grease from the sides is by steam cleaning. Place a small microwave-safe bowl of white vinegar in the center of the microwave and warm for approximately 5 minutes. Microwave power varies, so be sure to monitor the cleaning and shorten the time if all the vinegar is evaporated. Use extreme caution with the bowl and any remaining liquid as they will be extremely hot. The debris and grime will be loosened and will easily wipe away.

Rating: 6 (from 6 votes)

Wash Reusable Grocery Bags

wash reusable grocery bags

One of the first things many people do upon returning from the grocery store is wash their hands in order to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria that we’ve come into contact along the way. But what about those reusable bags sitting on our kitchen floor or countertop? Reusable grocery bags can harbor all sorts of icky stuff left by raw meat packaging, unwashed fruits and vegetables, and from unclean surfaces. To wash toss those reusable bags in the wash on a warm, gentle cycle or hand wash in warm, soapy water and hang to dry.

Rating: 6 (from 6 votes)

Quickly Fluff Down Pillows in the Dryer

fluff pillows in dryer

A quick way to fluff up flattened, down pillows is to toss them in the dryer. Not only will they come out of the dryer plump and warm but any build-up of dust will also be removed.

Rating: 6 (from 6 votes)

Survival Hack Aluminum Can Lantern

survival hack soda can

For a quick lighting solution on a dark night try cutting small flaps out of the side of an aluminum can. Place a candle inside and not only will the can reflect light, illuminating your space, but it will also protect the flame from the elements.

Rating: 6 (from 12 votes)

Essential Oil Dryer Balls

essential oil dryer ball

Drop essential oils onto your wool dryer balls for a scented load of laundry. Add 3-4 drops of essential oils to a wool dryer ball and toss the balls into the dryer. For a stronger scented load of laundry add 3-4 drops to a wool dryer ball during the last 10 – 15 minutes of the drying cycle.

Rating: 6 (from 6 votes)

How to Remove Permanent Ink Marker using Rubbing Alcohol

Dampen a cloth with rubbing alcohol or use pre-packaged alcohol wipes to help remove permanent ink like this Sharpie line.

Rating: 5 (from 9 votes)