Clean Bottles and Odd-shaped Containers With Effervescent Tablets

Life just got easier! Clean bottles and odd-shaped containers cith effervescent tablets Simply drop tablet in bottle/container, add water, let sit for 20 minutes, empty, finally just wipe out your container. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is.

Rating: 7 (from 9 votes)

WD-40 Cotton Ball Fire Starters

Watch the Crazy Russian Hacker demonstrate how to make these simple WD-40 cotton ball fire starters. Grab some cotton balls, WD-40, and a fire source then follow the video instructions. Use the red spray tube that comes with WD-40 because you’ll end up with a mess if you don’t. Most note worthy they even work in the rain!

Rating: 7 (from 7 votes)

DIY Tea and Beverage Drawer Organizer

tea draw organizer

Drawer organizers can get expensive especially when the organizers are specific such as coffee pod organizers or tea organizers. For an inexpensive version use a utensil drawer organizer and turn it sideways. You will have ample space for tea bags, bottle openers, and sweeteners. Take your organizing to the next level by using a bamboo organizer instead of metal or plastic.

Rating: 7 (from 7 votes)

Expedite the Drying Process by Adding a Large Dry Bath Towel

adding a large dry bath towel to shorten drying time

Toss a large dry bath towel into your load of wet clothes to lessen drying time and even save on energy.

Rating: 7 (from 7 votes)

Unload a 12 Pack of Cans Into Your Fridge in Seconds

Rating: 6 (from 10 votes)

Straw Holder for Carbonated Drinks

Keep drinking straws from rising and falling out of carbonated drinks by rotating the tab and putting the straw through the tab.

Rating: 6 (from 6 votes)