Germ Management – Just Nuke ‘Em!

germ management

With cold and flu season in full swing, it’s a bit of an obsession of ours to keep those germs from spreading. Since kitchen sponges and dishcloths are notorious for being chock full of yuck, we throw ours in the microwave everyday for 30 seconds. That, along with regular laundering and replacement, helps keep us keep on top of germ management.

Rating: 7 (from 15 votes)

Grab and Go Medicine Storage

medicine storage

When you’re feeling crummy, or you have a boo-boo that needs attention fast, the last thing you want to do is go digging through a box or cabinet of medicines and supplies. Keep your meds separated and easy to reach in these space saving, clearly marked, grab-and-go drawers. This idea puts the simple back into medicine storage.

Rating: 7 (from 11 votes)

Four Uses for Coffee Filters

Think coffee filters are just for brewing coffee? Think again! Check out this video which includes alternative coffee filter usage for everything from cleaning glass to eating popcorn!

Rating: 7 (from 7 votes)

Golf Ball Level Finder for Uneven Floors

uneven floor finder golf ball

Concrete and wood floors are often filled with dips and other unseen imperfections. For precise projects that require level surfaces, find many imperfections in any slab by using a golf ball and noting where it rolls from and to.

Rating: 7 (from 7 votes)

Light a Fire Anywhere

As we’ve started planning some of our outdoor adventures for the year, we’re gearing up our gear, too. For our outdoor fire place and for camping, we load up a mason jar with wooden matches. We close the jar with an air tight lid. We attach a piece of fine sand paper to the top of the lid so we can strike our matches right on the lid and light a fire anywhere. Remember that all matches are not created equally, so make sure to use “strike anywhere” matches for this hack!

Rating: 7 (from 11 votes)

A Mother’s Day Gift

mother's day gift

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we thought you’d love this simple homemade memento. Gather her kids around, and make a handprint of each child with acrylic paint. The handprints will capture a fleeting moment and become a treasure that Mom will cherish this Mother’s Day and every day after.

Rating: 7 (from 11 votes)