Ice Cube Tray Cookie Dough

ice cube tray cookie dough

We believe that when you make cookies, you should do it big. So, we suggest you double the recipe and bake up a batch to indulge in right away. With the second half, stock up your ice cube trays. Divide your dough into individual ice cube compartments, and throw your trays in the freezer. It’s handy to have ready to bake cookie dough when your kids show up with an unexpected group of hungry friends. Or when you have a killer cookie craving of your own. Be prepared with fresh, homemade cookies in minutes with your ice cube tray cookie dough.

Rating: 10 (from 10 votes)

Make Scratches in Wood Disappear

It may sound a little nutty, but the oil in walnuts will hide scratches in wood furniture and in hardwood floors. Just grab any shelled walnut you have around the house to snack on or to bake with, and instead, gently rub it on the scratched area of wood. The oil blends with the color of the finished wood, and scratches in wood disappear like magic.

Rating: 10 (from 14 votes)

Silver Cleaning Hack

Forget all that elbow grease! All you need for this MacGyver-style silver cleaning hack is baking soda, aluminum foil and boiling water…oh, and tarnished silver. Prepare a solution of 1/4 cup baking soda to a gallon of water in a pot. Bring to a boil. Line another pan or glass dish with aluminum foil, be sure it’s deep enough to fully immerse the silver piece you are cleaning. Place tarnished silver in foil lined container, then pour boiled solution over it. Allow to cool. Remove silver pieces and rinse with cool water, then dry with a soft cloth. It’s that easy! For extra tarnished pieces you may have to repeat a couple of times.

Rating: 10 (from 10 votes)

Easy Potato Peeling Hack

Peeling potatoes can be quick and simple and Dave Hax shows us how in this short step-by-step YouTube video. All you need is a knife, potatoes and pot for boiling. Clean potatoes before you boil them. Then follow the simple instructions in this Dave Hax YouTube video. Medium sized potatoes should take 15 to 30 minutes to cook, depending on your elevation. For roasted potatoes, chips or french fries, Dave suggests parboiling instead of boiling, then peel as instructed in video. Finally, finish preparing potatoes according to your recipe.

Rating: 10 (from 12 votes)

Transform an Old Trunk into an Outdoor Planter

Transform an old trunk into an outdoor planter

When my partner brought home two old rusted, smelly trunks and I refused to let him bring them in the house, he made lemons out of lemonade, and made me happy in the end. I would have never thought to transform an old trunk into an outdoor planter, but that is exactly what he did. In our case he mounted each chest to a wooden platform (which is optional). Otherwise, just fill the chest up with dirt and plant your favorite perennials, annuals or make a trunk herb garden, whatever you prefer.

Rating: 10 (from 24 votes)

Use Pool Noodles as Boot Inserts

Use Pool Noodles as Boot Inserts

This is a great organizational hack! Use pool noodles as boot inserts to keep them upright. This hack saves space as well as boots. Slip a pool noodle inside desired boots, measure to top of boot, cut with scissors and then do the same for the other.

Rating: 10 (from 10 votes)