Like many “onion-ish” plants, garlic can be regrown using just a clove. Simply plant a single clove root end down and the next thing you know you’ll be warding off vampires and cooking like a proper Italian!
Grow Your Own Pineapple and Live the Tropical Dream
If your a fan of exotic and tropical-looking bromeliad plants, you might already know that pineapple is just another bromeliad. Granted, it’s a delicious bromeliad though. Taking the leafy crown off a store-bought pineapple is all you really need to grow your own. Just make sure to remove any fruit that might still be attached to the crown (it can cause rotting). Plant it in rich, well-drained soil and water regularly, tapering watering to weekly once the plant is established. Be patient, your first harvest is likely a couple years off.
Yogurt Container Seedling Pots
Sure, you could just go buy seedling pots at your local nursery, but what fun is that?! Instead, why not gorge yourself on yogurt and then use those yogurt containers to nurture your seeds? All it takes is a few holes poked in the bottom for drainage (if desired). It’s a garden hack that not only benefits your garden, but it also helps YOU from becoming calcium deficient!
Vacation Plant Watering with Wine Bottles
Don’t have a house-sitter to take care of all your house plants and container plants outside? Don’t panic! Grab a wine bottle (if it’s not empty, drink that wine up!), rinse it clean, and fill it with water. If you’re feeling extra motivated, you can even mix in a little plant fertilizer. Then quickly flip the bottle upside down and jam it into the soil. Voila! Your plants will receive a steady soak from the bottle while you’re gone. Just don’t vacation too long, or your plants might chug all the bottles dry!
Regrow Lettuce, Celery, Bok Choy & Cabbage from Cut-Offs
If you’re frugal like we are and you like growing your own veggies, this is a hack for you. When cooking with lettuce, celery, bok choy or cabbage, try cutting the leaves off to around one inch above the root and then place the root in a bowl of water. You’ll get to eat the fresh leaves and you’ll have a great shot at regrowing more of them from the stump.
How to Regrow Your Own Spring Onions, Leeks, or Scallions
Like little onion-ish stuff, but don’t want to actually buy it at a nursery? Turn your grocery store into an impromptu nursery. Simply place the root end of spring onions, leeks, or scallions in a mason jar of fresh water and you’ll be sprouting roots and growing your own food in no time!
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