How to Naturally Disinfect your Dishwasher with Vinegar

Our dishwashers can take a beating, so it’s no surprise that sometimes they can use a little extra cleaning help for themselves. Removing grease, soap scum and hard water residue is a breeze when you disinfect your dishwasher with vinegar. It’s easy, as you’ll see in this handy video from our friends over at Amazing Food Tricks!

Rating: 7 (from 7 votes)

Ketchup as a Metal Polish

Copper or brass looks great, but it also gets tarnished and ratty looking pretty quickly. Turns out that a little ordinary ketchup and some elbow grease can have your copper and brass goods looking like sparkling pirate booty.

Rating: 0 (from 4 votes)

DIY Spider Rifle for Humane Spider Removal

Looking to remove spiders and other unwanted insects from your home more humanely? Or, at least without splattering their intestines all over your freshly-painted white walls? Our friends over at Make show you how to make your own “catch and release”-style spider rifle that will send your household pests running for cover with nowhere to hide. Spiders, say hello to my little friend!

Rating: 5 (from 11 votes)

The Post-It Keyboard Duster


Hold on! Before you toss that Post-It that’s been tormenting you from the bottom of your computer monitor for weeks, why not put that remaining sticky-power to work? Run the Post-It between your keyboard keys and you’ll find it does a great job of picking up some of the scary little nooks that will ultimately gunk-up your keys.

Rating: 4 (from 10 votes)

Homemade Bubble Bath Recipe

homemade bubble bath

If you’re looking for that “Calgon take me away” experience, without having to actually go out an buy bubble bath, then check out this homemade bubble bath recipe. All it takes is liquid glycerin, unscented dish soap, salt and essential oil. Visit the link for the full details, proportions and tips for picking a great smelling essential oil. If you really want to get fancy, find a decorative bottle at your favorite discount store.

Rating: 2 (from 4 votes)

Power Tool Bath and Tile Scrubbing

Chuck a brush that won’t scratch your tile or tub into a cordless drill and get ready for some power scrubbing. Consider wearing safety glasses as the brush can spray cleaning solution.

Rating: 15 (from 15 votes)