Floor Cleaning Hack, Forget the Mop Bucket!

forget the mop bucket

Forget the mop bucket! This is a great 10 minute floor cleaning hack, especially for dried up spills. Be sure to sweep the floor first. Find an empty spray bottle, fill it with a solution of your favorite floor cleaner (I love Murphy Oil Soap myself) and water. Read directions on floor cleaner bottle for proper measurements. Saturate entire floor with spray and let sit for 5 minutes in order to loosen up the dirt. Go over with a clean damp mop. I like to rinse the mop out once after this in the sink then go over the floor one more time to remove any soap residue…and it gets the floor extra clean!

Rating: 8 (from 8 votes)

Baseboard Cleaner

baseboard cleaner

Spring cleaning those baseboards is a whole lot easier with this solution. First vacuum with an attachment to grab up all of the obvious dirt. Then mix 1 tablespoon of fabric softener with 1 quart of warm water for the ideal baseboard cleaner. Use a cleaning sponge dipped in your mix to clean any additional dust, dirt, or pet hair. The fabric softener will leave a clean fresh scent while repelling future dust with its anti-static properties.

Rating: 24 (from 36 votes)

Cupcake Liners Catch All

We were cleaning out the back of our car recently, and we discovered, for the zillionth time, a yucky sticky mess in one of the cup holders. The mess took far too much time to clean. Knowing there had to be a better way to spend our lives, I discovered this handy solution. Line the cup holders in your car with silicon cupcake liners. The liners will catch most of the junk. After they do, you can simply remove them, clean them in warm water and dish soap, and replace them. These handy little liners take the headache out of a potentially messy job.

Rating: 34 (from 34 votes)

Cleaning with Baby Wipes

cleaning with baby wipes

Baby wipes aren’t just for babies. Cleaning with baby wipes is really a snap. Keep a box handy all the time for quick cleanups around the house. Baby wipes make baseboard cleaning almost fun. Wet footprints are wiped out in no time with the swipe of a wipe. And for minor makeup messes in the bathroom, wipes work like a wonder. They’re not to replace regular, disinfecting cleaning. But to tidy up, baby wipes are a low-chemical, economical solution. Some are even biodegradable.

Rating: 11 (from 15 votes)

Germ Management – Just Nuke ‘Em!

germ management

With cold and flu season in full swing, it’s a bit of an obsession of ours to keep those germs from spreading. Since kitchen sponges and dishcloths are notorious for being chock full of yuck, we throw ours in the microwave everyday for 30 seconds. That, along with regular laundering and replacement, helps keep us keep on top of germ management.

Rating: 7 (from 15 votes)

Vanilla or Essential Oil to Freshen Bathroom Air When It’s Most Needed


The bathroom doesn’t have to smell unpleasant. Adding a couple drops of vanilla or your favorite essential oil to your toilet paper tube can freshen bathroom air when it’s most needed, if you know what we’re saying. Just don’t start getting any ideas about baking cookies in the bathroom to keep things smelling fresh and appealing!

Rating: 13 (from 13 votes)